
Licensing Texas Home Repair Pros

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Licensing Texas Home Repair Pros
Article Excerpt

职业执照表明某人受过教育或有工作经验. 哪些家庭维修行业需要执照,哪些不需要?

If you consult a doctor or lawyer, 你可能想要一些保证,这个人知道他们在做什么. Both jobs require a license from the state. 然而,执照并不能保证某一专业人员一定能做好工作, 它告诉你他们已经达到了国家对教育和培训的要求. 其他工作不需要消费者这么多的信任,所以他们不需要许可证.

家庭维修专业人员执行需要不同水平的专业知识的重要功能. 德克萨斯州为一些(但不是全部)家庭维修专业人员颁发职业执照. 甚至 if someone does not need a license for their work, they may need another type of credential from a city or county. 他们可能有私人组织颁发的类似于职业执照的证书, but not legally mandatory.


Why do trade licenses matter to you as a future homeowner?

职业执照表明某人达到了国家机构设定的最低标准. 甚至 之前 you purchase a home, you’ll want an inspection. If the inspector finds problems, 你需要找一个专业的商人来估计修理或更换它的费用. This allows you leverage to negotiate the purchase price.

» READ MORE: What Happens During Home Inspections?

您和您的房地产经纪人选择的专业商人需要深入了解,以便给出准确的报价. 你不想发现自己处于这样的境地:你雇佣了最便宜的屋顶工人(或其他专家),他们只发现了10%的损失.

» READ MORE: 的 11 Qualities of Every Great Realtor



  • Licensing is the most restrictive type of credential. 在有执照的行业中,为了向客户提供服务,有效的执照是必要的. 医生, 律师, 建筑师就是需要执照的职业的例子, along with the home improvement professions discussed below.

  • 认证是授予符合政府机构或私人组织设定的标准的个人的特殊地位.

  • 注册为国家提供了一种识别和定位服务提供商的方法,以防消费者投诉他们.

framed certificate

Professions Requiring Licensing from the State of Texas

德克萨斯州许可和法规部门(TDLR)为大多数家装专业人士处理许可, with at least one exception.

Air conditioning and refrigeration contractors

的 TDLR issues licenses for contractors who handle the 暖通空调和制冷系统的安装、维修和维护. 有几种类型的许可可用,主要取决于所涉及的系统的大小.


的 TDLR issues multiple electrician licenses, beginning with the Apprentice Electrician licenses. Other licenses include Journeyman Electrician, Journeyman Lineman, Master Electrician, and Residential Appliance Installer.

electrician working on a telephone pole

Photo by 凯利 on Pexels

Mold assessors and remediators

霉菌是家庭中的一个严重问题,会导致各种健康问题. 的 TDLR issues a series of licenses for this type of work,包括模具评估技术员,模具修复承包商,模具评估顾问.


Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE) handles licensing for plumbers. Licenses include Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Plumber. In 2019, the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission recommended transferring the TSBPE’s functions to the TDLR. 本应这样做的立法未能在2019年的立法会议上通过. For now, the TSBPE remains a separate state agency. 的 Legislature may revisit the issue in 2023.

plumbing pipes

Code enforcement officers

While you might not directly hire a code enforcement officer, they are an essential part of many home improvement projects. Any time you or a contractor has to apply for a permit, 有人会检查你的房产,以确保你符合所有适用的建筑规范. This license, issued by the TDLR, 提供一些保证,让来访的人在他们执行的代码中接受过培训.


一些家装行业不需要TDLR或其他州机构的许可证. Other types of credentials might be required, 虽然, such as registration with a local 政府ernment agency. Some professional organizations offer certifications that, while lacking the force of law, indicate that an individual or business has met a high standard.


房屋建筑商不需要国家许可就可以从事他们的行业. Multiple designations 可以从全国住宅建筑商协会获得技能和经验的认可.

General contractors

的 TDLR does not issue licenses for general contractors. 然而, local licensing agencies may require a license, registration, or a surety bond to work within a city or county. 这通常是颁发建筑许可的地方机构.

Handyman with a hammer in his toolbelt

Photo by Life Of Pix on Pexels


盖屋顶 do not need a license from the state. But they may obtain a certification from a private entity, the Roofing Contractors Association of Texas. 虽然德克萨斯州不要求屋顶工人有执照,但我们的许多屋顶工人都有执照.


除非一个勤杂工在一个需要特定许可证的系统上工作, such as HVAC or plumbing, they do not need a state license. 不过,他们可能需要遵守与总承包商相同的当地注册要求.

Mortgage Lenders You Can Trust

你的抵押贷款机构不仅应该为你提供买房资金,还应该为你联系当地最好的房地产经纪人. 的se agents know who’s who in town. 他们将为房屋检查员和房屋维修专业人员提供安全可靠的建议.