
5 Texas Rivers

标签: Texas Living在户外有趣的
5 Texas Rivers
Article Excerpt

Texas rivers provide places to relax, cool off, and have fun. 了解更多关于在炎热的夏季,该州各地的河流都有什么.

河流划定了德克萨斯州与其邻国之间的几条边界, and they form an important part of its history and identity. 的y’re also just plain fun to float down with your friends. Whether you want to have a relaxing float, challenge yourself at rafting or 划独木舟, or catch a few fish, 你可以在该州众多的河流中找到一个地方来做这件事.

» READ MORE: Texas Parks & Wildlife’s Stream Flow Map

这里提到的河流只是德克萨斯州所能提供的一切的一个简短的亮点. 很有可能,无论你在德克萨斯州的哪个地方——除了一些干旱的地方——你都离一条可以避暑的河流不远.

» READ MORE: Popular Swimming Holes, Kayaking, & Waterparks in Texas
map of Texas with rivers

What are the biggest rivers in Texas?

德克萨斯州有几条特别著名的河流,包括一些全国最大的河流. A few notable rivers include the following:

  • Rio Grande River: At nearly 1,900英里, the Rio Grande is by far the longest river in Texas, and the 4th-longest in the United States. Only some of that length goes through Texas, though. 这条河发源于科罗拉多州南部,流经新墨西哥州. 从埃尔帕索到布朗斯维尔,它形成了德克萨斯州和墨西哥之间的边界.

  • 红河: 这条河发源于新墨西哥州,流经德克萨斯州狭长地带,然后形成了德克萨斯州和俄克拉荷马州的大部分州界. 它在路易斯安那州的阿查法拉亚河结束了大约1300英里的旅程.

  • Colorado River: 科罗拉多河全长约862英里,是完全位于德克萨斯州境内的最长河流. 它始于西德克萨斯州,流入墨西哥湾的马塔戈尔达湾.

  • Nueces River: 这条河发源于德克萨斯丘陵地区,流向科珀斯克里斯蒂湾,全长507英里. It is notable for historical reasons. From 1836 to 1848, 德克萨斯共和国宣称大德州为其南部边界, while Mexico placed the border at the Nueces. It took a war between the U.S. and Mexico to sort out that dispute, among others.

What are some good Texas rivers for summer recreation?

为了在水上玩得开心,你不必特意去找一条主要的水道. This state has about 191,000 miles of rivers and streams, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. That’s about 80% of the distance to the moon, but you can stay much closer to home. 以下河流提供了各种娱乐和放松的机会,可能就在你附近:

San Marcos River

圣马科斯河发源于同名小镇附近的圣马科斯泉. 的 upper portion of the river is very popular for tubing, kayaking, and swimming. It is also the starting point for the canoe race known as the Texas Water Safari.

Body Boarders in San Marcos River

Colorado River

它不仅是德克萨斯州独有的最长的河流, 科罗拉多河形成了几个湖泊,这些湖泊是该州从20世纪30年代末到50年代初建造的. 的 Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 沿着河流修建了六座水坝,形成了一系列湖泊,被称为高地湖. 而这些湖泊的主要目的是发电和防洪, 它们也可用于划船和钓鱼等娱乐活动。

  • Lake Buchanan (pronounced “buh-CAN-un”)

  • 墨水湖

  • 湖林登。约翰逊

  • Lake Marble Falls

  • Lake Travis

  • Lake 奥斯丁

在奥斯汀湖下游几英里处,奥斯汀市于1960年建造了长角坝. 的 resulting lake went by the name 镇湖 for more than forty years. 2007年,前第一夫人伯德·约翰逊夫人去世后,这座城市 renamed it Lady Bird Lake. 皮划艇、划独木舟和桨板是这个湖上很受欢迎的活动. Notably, the city prohibits the use of gasoline-powered watercraft.

boardwalk at Colorado River in 奥斯丁

Trinity River

Trinity River 对该州一些人口最稠密的地区至关重要. 这条河发源于俄克拉何马州边界附近,流经达拉斯和沃斯堡. It ends at Galveston Bay east of 休斯顿. 的 river basin 为都市区和更多的城市和城镇提供水.

的 river has many lakes. 这条河的许多区域也被指定为娱乐活动,比如 or kayaking. 这条河的上游分叉处以该州最好的钓鱼地点而闻名. 的 further upstream you go, the clearer the water gets. Lake Amon G. 卡特, for example, 它几乎位于人们能到达的最上游,并且强烈建议人们去钓鱼.

railroad bridge along the Trinity River

Frio River

Frio River 它在希尔国家的几个地方升起,流了200多英里,然后加入南德克萨斯州的纽埃塞斯河. 这条河的最上游为游泳等活动提供了该州最好的区域, 划独木舟, and fishing. 的 river runs through Garner State Park in Uvalde County. One of the most famous swimming holes, called the “Blue Hole” is located on the Frio River, although it’s on private land with limited access.

Garner State Park aerial view along the Frio River

Devils River

Devils River is a tributary of the Rio Grande. 它形成于丘陵地区,然后流了大约90英里. 这条河的终点是Amistad水库,位于Del里约热内卢附近的里约热内卢Grande上. Thanks to its remote location, the river has avoided many of the problems, such as pollution, that affect other Texas rivers. 河的下游提供了该州最好的漂流和划独木舟的地方,但是 it’s not for the faint of heart.

Dolan Falls along Devils River

Make a permanent vacation in Texas!

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