

标签: 德州生活生活方式有趣的

Texas likes to do things big, and that includes our 独立日庆祝活动s. Learn more about some of the biggest events in the state that day.

Texas is one of the few states that gets to celebrate 两个 独立的日子. 全国性的独立日, 人们更熟悉的名字是7月4日, 美国成为一个国家的日期是哪一天. 德州独立日, 哪一天是3月2日, marks the day Texas declared itself independent from Mexico in 1836. We don’t celebrate 德州独立日 nearly as much, though. 它甚至不是 国家法定假日7月4日是美国国庆日.

Since we do all of our independence celebrations on one day of the year, and since everything tends to be bigger in Texas, it makes sense that we’d have some big 独立日庆祝活动s. Here are a few of the biggest you’ll find in 2023.


威利·纳尔逊(Willie Nelson)是德克萨斯州的一所机构. He celebrated his 90th birthday in April, and this year also marks the 50周年 传说中的独立日野餐. 第一次野餐发生在7月4日, 1973年,在滴水泉的Hurlbut牧场, 大约在奥斯汀西南20英里处. While the picnic hasn’t taken place every year since then, it has become a fixture of 独立日庆祝活动s in Texas and other states. He has held picnics in Missouri, Oklahoma, Georgia, and Washington. 的 most frequent venues, though, have been in 奥斯丁, Luckenbach, and Fort Worth.

今年的野餐 会在奥斯汀Q2体育场举行吗. Willie plans on performing along with other legendary musicians like Dwight Yoakam and Asleep at the Wheel.


奥斯汀:奥斯汀交响乐团H-E-B 7月4日音乐会 & 烟花

为了不输给威利·尼尔森, 奥斯汀交响乐 will be hosting a free event along Lady Bird Lake at Vic Mathias Shores (formerly known as Auditorium Shores). 的y will perform “symphonic patriotic classics” combined with “a fireworks display over the city skyline.“公园的普通门票是免费的. Tickets are available for VIP areas across the street at the Long Center.


Fair Park, home to the annual State Fair of Texas, is hosting the City of Dallas’ 官方的7月4日庆祝活动. 的 event will include live music and entertainment, followed by a fireworks show. 的 Cotton Bowl Stadium will be open for guests to watch the fireworks.


图片由 大卫Swinney 在Flickr [知识共享]


这个庆祝活动 将在黑豹岛馆举行, a large outdoor venue along the Trinity River that features Texas’ only waterfront stage. 这个免费活动的特点是现场音乐, 包括乡村歌手科菲·安德森, and fireworks against the backdrop of the Fort Worth skyline.


休斯顿的 官方的7月4日庆祝活动 will take place along Buffalo Bayou at Eleanor Tinsley and Sam 休斯顿 Parks. 每年约有5万人参加该活动. Tickets are $10, while children ages 5 and younger may attend for free. 的 6小时的庆祝活动 will include live music, including country star Chris Young and English singer-songwriter Yola. Young was supposed to headline this event in 2018, but the city had to cancel it due to weather. 今年他终于可以上学了.

圣安东尼奥:星条旗 & 灯

阿拉莫将主办 7月4日的节目 that includes various historical demonstrations about “1700s Spanish Colonial soldiers, 编织和传教生活.” For those who want something a bit more festive, the 圣安东尼奥河步道 你投保了吗?.

Arguably the second-most-famous landmark in San Antonio, the River Walk winds its way through the downtown area. 它有/ 3.5英里的人行道, 都位于街道以下, 还有很多餐馆, 酒吧, 还有其他吸引人的地方. 从6月30日到7月4日,它将举办一场 独立日庆祝活动. Decorations will include one thousand US flags lining the river, along with patriotic adornments on trees and bridges.

如果你想看烟花,你可以去 这个城市的官方庆祝活动 at Woodlawn Lake Park a few miles northeast of downtown. Sea World and Fiesta Texas will also have fireworks displays.



With our headquarters in 贝尔顿, we have to highlight the 每年7月4日的庆祝活动 这就发生在我们的家乡! 的 annual parade is a tradition that is over 100 years old, and the mile-and-a-half long route draws crowds of 30,在贝尔顿市中心的街道上排列着1000多个. 游行后,享受 诺兰溪的节日 特色美食车, 工艺供应商, 宠物动物园, 游戏和嘉年华游乐设施, 生活娱乐, 和更多的! 庆祝活动的前三晚 贝尔县PRCA牛仔竞技 在贝尔县博览会上, with cowboys coming from around the USA to put on a show, 加上大家最喜欢的Mutton Bustin, 孩子们抓着羊不放的地方!

If you make it out to the parade this year, watch for our Wood Group float! And come visit our tent on 10th Avenue and Main for free hot dogs!


图片由 Eric绿青鳕 贝尔顿画报


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