

TAGS: Homeownership

Whether you are selling your home or looking to buy an investment property, 你需要知道它的真正价值. There are many factors (positive and negative) that can affect a home's value. However, 其中一些是至关重要的, 比如房子的位置, 规模及设施, 年龄和身体状况, upgrades, 改造潜力, 以及市场状况. 在本文中, we will discuss those main factors that can influence your home's value so you'll be able to determine what your property is worth.

#1. Location

房屋的位置通常是影响其价值的关键因素. 它离市中心近吗, shops, 公共交通, 主要的高速公路, good schools, restaurants, 娱乐及休闲设施, 医疗保健设施? 一个容易到达的位置会增加房子的价值. People want to live close to where they work and where they can enjoy their spare time, so it's easy to realize why properties in popular areas have higher prices.

Some suburbs and neighborhoods have a better reputation than others due to various factors, 比如不断增长的经济和低失业率. 另一方面, 高犯罪率, air pollution, 噪声污染与房产价值呈负相关. Of course, 我们不得不提到正在发生的COVID-19疫情的影响, which has led many to exchange their city lives for more tranquil living in the suburbs or smaller towns. 可以肯定地说,这些地区的房价已经暴涨.


Location is one of the crucial factors that can influence your home’s value.

#2. 家庭和院子的大小,家庭吸引力,可用空间和设施

Potential homebuyers are not only looking for a large home but also a significant amount of usable space. Garages, unfinished basements, or attics are usually not included in usable square footage. 另一方面, the number of bathrooms and bedrooms can significantly influence your home's value.

One more factor to consider when determining the property's value is the appeal of the house. Traditional and neutral layouts carry real power since they appeal to larger audiences. 特色设施,如游泳池, patio, 或者一个户外娱乐区会对房子的价值产生很大的影响.

在大城市和繁忙的城市, the absence or abundance of parking lots is another crucial factor to consider.

在房地产行业,第一印象很重要, so the way your property looks from the outside will also play a significant role in its price. Therefore, sprucing up a garden and finishing landscaping projects should be among your 新年决心.


特色设施,如游泳池 and patio have a big impact on a property’s price on the market.

#3. 年龄和身体状况

When determining the value of your home, consider the overall condition of the property. Just because a home is old doesn't necessarily mean it's worth less than a new build. Actually, an aging house that has been well taken care of is usually worth just as much, 有时甚至比一幢新建筑更重要. 当你想买最近的房产时, homebuyers are willing to pay more since a newer home doesn't require any major renovations and repairs and generally needs less maintenance. However, people would rather buy a 20-year-old house that is well maintained than a newer one that needs some major renovations right away. 德克萨斯州的豪宅 will have high value no matter the home's age – if they're in excellent condition.

考虑家庭条件是基础, 结构完整性, 电气工程, plumbing, and fixtures. 购房者也在寻找有价值的家居装饰. For example, expensive hardwood floors have a much higher value than low-priced laminate flooring. Likewise, custom-made kitchen cabinets are more expensive than store-bought ones and thus add more value. 在为房屋定价时要考虑的其他饰面有:

  • 设备品牌
  • 浴室完成
  • 灯具
  • 旋钮和拉杆
  • 高科技的功能

#4. 升级和更新

升级和更新可以显著提高你的财产的价格. Kitchen and bathroom renovations are crucial since they have the most significant effect on your home's value. 高质量的房子, durable materials has a higher value because it makes the property easier to heat and cool. 因为电费和煤气费会很贵, 比如太阳能电池板, 隔音, 双层玻璃窗会让你的房子在市场上更值钱.

节能电器和智能家居系统就是其中之一 使房子更有价值的主要特征 更方便. There are plenty of smart devices available, and each provides different benefits for everyday life. 如果你想让你的房产增值, 想想智能照明, heating, 安全系统. A fully automated home with increased security will fetch a higher price and attract more potential buyers.



#5. 改造潜力

Both real estate investors and homebuyers will be interested in the 改造潜力 of your home. 也许他们想要增加建筑面积, 添加额外的关卡, 或者一个额外的卧室和浴室. 同样,也许他们有兴趣增加一个户外露台或 后院的游泳池. A potential buyer needs to know that they can personalize or improve your property.

#6. 供求关系和经济因素

The economic factors of an area affect people's ability to sell and buy properties. Knowing the value of other homes similar to yours and in the same neighborhood will help you determine how much your home could be worth. Keep up with the current market conditions of your area before setting the price for your home.

Plan on moving?

It's essential to know how to set the price of your home before you decide to sell it and leave the city for good. 不要因为急于搬家而低估你的房产价值. Your budget will play a significant role, even more so if you're moving long-distance. Include the price of air tickets for yourself and your family, the cost of hiring 专业的搬家公司,以及在搬迁预算中的仓储费. 此外,你可以指望一些意想不到的费用在你的移动. However, 有良好的组织和计划能力, 你的过渡可以毫无压力, 这样你就能轻松轻松地开始新的人生篇章.


仔细考虑所有这些可能影响你的房子价值的因素. Remember to 查看您所在地区最近的房地产市场趋势 and decide if you should invest in some upgrades and renovations to increase your home's value even more. Good luck!